Chinese Medicine Recipe for Fatty Liver
Chinese Medicine Recipe for Fatty Liver:
today I want to share with you a recipe based on Chinese Medicine principles to help if you have a fatty liver.
Fatty liver is caused by a buildup of adipose tissue around the liver, so most people who are overweight also suffer from fatty liver.
This means this recipe could also help you lose weight, which is the best way to treat fatty liver.
This article contains the recipe and some information from Chinese Medicine and modern science about why the foods selected are good for fatty liver, but I also made a Youtube video of the recipe which you can watch here and follow as you cook:
Cod Fish: one piece for each person eating the meal,
Sakuya Eight Grains Mix: one cup,
Millet: ¼ cup,
white rice: ¼ cup,
Asparagus: 8-10 stalks,
Red Onion: ½,
Eggplant: ½ eggplant sliced thinly,
Shiitake Mushrooms: 2 cups,
Anchovies: 1 cup,
Rapini: 4 cups,
Sichuan Green Peppers: ten whole dried peppercorns,
Sichuan Red Peppers: 10 whole dried peppercorns,
Black Pepper: 5 whole dried peppercorns,
Olive Oil: ¼ cup,
Chinese Soy Sauce: a dash,
Chinese vinegar: a dash,
Garlic: several pieces sliced,
How to Prepare:
Prepare one baking pan with foil baking sheet,
pour 1 tsp olive oil, add several pieces of sliced garlic,
Set it aside and pour 1 cup Sakuya Eight Grains Mix together with ½ cup millet and ½ cup white rice,
cover with water then bring to boil, then simmer on medium heat until water is entirely evaporated and rice is ready according to your preference.
While waiting for the grain mixture to cook, grind 10 green and red sichuan peppercorns together with five black peppercorns until they are a fine dust and apply a few sprinkles of them to the oiled foil.
place two pieces of cod on the oiled baking pan and mix they so they absorb the oil.
Cut the heads off one cup of anchovies and throw the heads away,
soak the anchovies in olive oil in a separate cup or bowl,
cut shiitake mushrooms and add them to the fish on the foil,
cut red onion and add, as well as adding several pieces of whole rapini (washed).
Add 8 to 10 stalk of asparagus to the dish.
Cut eggplant into slices and add to dish,
Place the anchovies over the food evenly across the baking pan.
Sprinkle the remainder of the pepper mix over the contents,
pour the oil from the anchovies over the meal,
throw a dash of soy sauce and a dash of Chinese vinegar over the meal,
place in the oven at 375 and cook for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Plate the meal and add sesame seeds to taste.
The Logic Behind This Meal:
Fatty Liver is caused by fat buildup in the body which is usually a result of a diet high in greasy foods, carbs, sugar and other processed materials.
Chinese Medicine believes that this buildup causes a stagnation of Qi in the Liver area which prevents the easy movement of blood and other elements of our metabolism.
As a result of this our fatty liver often comes with increased levels of agitation and stress due to abdominal discomfort and can of course have other downstream effects including certain types of cancer, high blood pressure etc which are also associated with obesity.
While technically it is not possible to cure fatty liver just by eating one meal, I thought it would be a good idea to show the type of meal you should eat on a regular basis to help you lose weight and also move away some of the collected Qi so the tissue around the liver can recover.
This dish centers around four dietary principles from Chinese Medicine:
1: the liver likes green vegetables:
We have used a great deal of rapini and asparagus in this recipe since they are green vegetables which can help the liver function better. Chinese Medicine holds that these vegetables improve digestion as well as help us generate nutritional Qi which can benefit the whole digestive system, but especially the liver. From the modern perspective it is important to recognize that the liver does a lot of work for us to remove toxins from the body, so when we eat more green vegetables we give the liver less pressure since it does not have to work so hard to break up toxic materials found in various cooking oils, red meats, and processed foods.
2: We want to move the Qi, so we used Sichuan peppers:
Sichuan peppers have a scattering effect on our Qi so we have used them here to promote the movement of Qi in the body which can help to break up stagnation.
Since fatty liver is also often associated with liver Qi stagnation, using sichuan peppers can move the liver Qi and help us to get relief from internal tension. They can also open the lungs and help our breathing, which can have an indirect effect on our weight loss.
3: We want to lose weight so we focus on vegetables and fish:
the main focus of this meal is vegetables and a little bit of easy to digest fish.
The fish is very rich in nutritional content but eating it carries no risk of weight gain.
The vegetables are also very nutrient rich and will fill us up when we eat them so we do not feel the need to snack later in the day.
4: We want to nourish the digestion so we use diverse grains:
you have to know that grains are essential to human diet and we can't go without them.
This means we need to get good grains and avoid empty ones coming from white bread and glutinous rice.
The Sukaya eight grains mix is one of the best since it has sprouted brown rice and is very good for digestion.
I added millet for its weight loss benefit and white rice because it can help digestion, but you only have to use a very small amount of white rice since it does contain more gluten so it can convert to sugars in the body.
This is an easy to make and tasty recipe that can help you build up a diet which is capable of fighting illnesses like fatty liver which are caused by excess adipose tissue in your body.
One time eating this is not enough and you will have to also eat many other kinds of foods which can help you lose weight while avoiding junk foods and processed foods.
Healthy cooking is a form of prevention which is much better than having to go to the doctor to get medicine, so let's keep cooking together.
Make sure you check out my youtube video and subscribe there since I will be making many new media about Chinese Medicine cooking.
Also subscribe to my substack for free articles, recipes, and also the special members only area where you can get more detailed instruction in Chinese Medicine nutrition and how to understand your body and become more healthy.
Note: we are not payed by sakuya company, we just like their grain mix, you can also make it at home by combining your own preferred grains.